system integration 

Connect systems and devices for centralized monitoring and control.

design and build

Custom built and programmed controls to fit your automation needs.

web access

Easily monitor and adjust your controls remotely via mobile web access.

Network security

Protect your network and controllers from unwanted attacks.

About us

Enjoy the best design and functions combined together

Formed in 2022 by two brothers, Amos and Seth Burkey, With experience in this industry since 2010 you can feel confident in our services. In March 2022, Atlas Automation LLC bought out Municipal Automation & Control and are continuing the high level of service that MAC provided for over 20 years. From design and manufacturing to programming, we can save your workforce time and energy while providing them with peace of mind.

A few things we’re great at

System integration

Connect sub-systems to act as one and ensure they all function together as a system.

design and build

In-house control panel, design, manufacturing, and programming allow for customization and quality.

network security

Protect your SCADA system & other network devices from unwanted attacks and keep remote access.

customer service

Providing top-notch support is our goal whether it is via phone, remote connection, or in person.

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